Cannons Lacrosse Volunteering

Cannons Lacrosse simply cannot survive without the help of dedicated volunteers. Regardless of your lacrosse experience, there is always a need for your time and talents. As parent volunteers, it is our responsibility to ensure that we provide the best possible program for our athletes. During registration you will have the opportunity to sign up for a volunteer category. Please review the volunteer opportunities that the League offers and determine where you might be able to contribute.

Beginning with the 2019 Spring Season, Cannons Lacrosse is requiring each family to volunteer their time during the season, or in events that support the league during the year. During registration, you can choose to opt-out of this commitment, but you will not receive the $100 parent volunteer discount at check out.

Signing up for volunteer time during the season will be Super EASY. After you choose one or more of the volunteer programs during registration, you will be invited to sign up for a volunteer opportunity within that program during the season.

Volunteer Policy

Cannons Lacrosse Volunteer Policy

Our Volunteer Policy evolves season to season and is used to encourage volunteering for parents across all divisions within the league.

As of October 1st 2018 the policy is as follows:

Volunteer Discount

During registration, parents will have the opportunity to sign up for a volunteer category. If a category is chosen, a $100 parent volunteer discount will be given at check out. Should a parent decide to opt-out of volunteering, no discount will be offered.

Missed Hours Volunteer Fee

Should a family not meet their volunteer commitment for the Volunteer Year (December 1st through November 1st each year), they will be required to pay the volunteer fee for the previous season before their player can be registered for the following season.

Missed Hours Assessment Fee

Parents who did not opt-out of volunteering (see opt-out policy below), and who did not complete the required hours will be assessed a Missed Hours Assessment Fee which must be cleared before the player can be placed on a team for the next spring season.

Volunteer Opt-Out Fee

For parents who are unable to volunteer for work, family support, or other reasons there is an available Volunteer Opt-Out Option that may be payed at the time of registration.

Parents who select the Volunteer Opt-Out Option during registration will not be assessed a missing hours assessment fee.

Volunteer Fees for 2019

Note: these fees are reviewed each season and are subject to change.

  • Season Volunteer Opt-Out Fee: $100
  • Season Missing Volunteer Hours Assessment Fee: $50

Claiming Period

Beginning with the Spring 2019 Season, Cannons Lacrosse has established a Claiming Period for volunteer hours.

The period begins in the first week of March, and concludes in April each year.

During this time, parents are asked to review their current Volunteer Hours to ensure they have met the volunteer requirement for the season. If any hours have been missed - this Claiming Period is opportunity to work with the Volunteer Coordinator to reconcile hours and have them credited.

Important: Volunteer hours performed during the Spring and District seasons that have not been reconciled by the end of the claiming period will not be credited during the following Spring Registration.

It is the responsibility of the Parent and not the league to ensure hours have been credited properly.

Volunteer Positions
Volunteer FAQ